Hypothyroidism weight loss diet plan: How to manage your weight efficiently?

Dr. Anish Musa
Dr. Anish MusaOctober 24, 2021

Thyroid gland is accountable for many important functions of the body starting from your basic metabolism to the brain development in infants. It performs numerous operations and aids in the better functioning of the whole body. Thyroid gland produces thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) hormones in the ratio of 4:1. Lower secretion of these hormones results in hypothyroidism and higher secretion than the normal level causes hyperthyroidism. In most cases, people experience weight gain in hypothyroidism and weight loss in hyperthyroidism. Ruling out the root cause of the disease and taking a proper treatment helps in hypothyroidism weight loss. Hypothyroidism weight loss/

According to the study of Jeevam Health doctors, most of the hypothyroidism cases are due to autoimmune disease. Autoimmune condition is developed because of leaky gut. And 85% of leaky gut are caused due to the sensitivity to certain foods such as gluten and dairy. Other causes of hypothyroidism are chronic stress, metal toxicity, and nutritional deficiencies. Weight gain, constipation, fatigue, and dry skin are evident symptoms that can be found in hypothyroidism.

Why do you gain weight when you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism?

The first symptom that shows up your hypothyroidism is weight gain. 76% of thyroid patients are experiencing weight issues as the most common symptom. Other prominent symptoms are hair fall, irregular periods, fatigue, and dry skin. Hypothyroidism Symptoms/

But have you ever got a question in your mind, " Why do I gain weight rapidly and constantly? There are many factors that increase your pounds when you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism. But here is the list of factors that would help you understand your weight gain.

Lower BMR

The main responsibility of your thyroid is to maintain your metabolism on track and supply energy to the whole body. But the malfunction of the thyroid gland slows down your metabolism. As a result, your Basal Metabolic Rate reduces and so you cannot burn enough calories. The food you eat gets digested slowly or sometimes even piled up as toxins. These all lead to weight gain in your body. Join Thyroid Community/

Insulin Resistance

Insulin controls the level of glucose in the blood. When your body doesn't respond to insulin to use the glucose for energy, the blood sugar level increases. Insulin Resistance may cause problems like Obesity, high blood pressure, and Type 2 diabetes.

Accumulation of salt and water

It is not always the accumulation of fat that increases your weight. But the accumulation of salt and water in your body could also be a reason for your extra pounds.

Depression / Anxiety

Hypothyroidism comes up with depression in some people. When a person is depressed, the whole body function gets disturbed.

Can I cure my thyroid permanently? Can I lose my increased weight caused by hypothyroidism? These are the questions that run in many people's minds struggling with hypothyroidism.

A definite yes to all questions, Hypothyroidism can be cured permanently. And also, Hypothyroidism weight loss depends on many factors such as diet, lifestyle changes, exercises, and the right treatment.

First, we will look up to the hypothyroidism diet plan.

Hypothyroidism Diet

Before you decide on a diet, you must know about the foods that interfere with your thyroid hormones and the foods that regulate your thyroid functioning.

Foods that trigger your hypothyroidism.


Gluten is a protein type most commonly found in wheat, barley, and pasta. Gluten damages your intestinal linings and other parts of the body. Gluten intolerance causes leaky gut which leads to autoimmune thyroid disease. 80% of thyroid patients encounter autoimmune thyroid conditions. To cure the symptoms of hypothyroidism like weight gain and leaky gut, it is better to eliminate gluten from your diet. Gluten Free Diet


Lactose and protein present in dairy products may increase inflammation in thyroid patients. Moreover, they cause an imbalance of thyroid hormones in our bodies and are hard to digest. Dairy is one of the most common causes of Hashimoto's thyroid disease. We, Jeevam Health functional doctors recommend patients to strictly avoid dairy products for the improvement of thyroid health.


Improving gut function and healthy bacteria is important in your thyroid treatment. Because a healthy gut reduces inflammation and heals your body. But sugar products imbalances your gut bacteria. And so cut off sugar from your daily food.

Processed food

Foods that are cooked with more spices, salt, and sugar put so much pressure on your digestive system. When your metabolism rate is already low, eating such foods complicates hypothyroidism. Avoid processed and packaged foods and canned drinks.


Alcohol consumption adds extra calories to your body which ends in weight gain. Too much alcohol can make your digestive problems even worse. Limiting alcohol intake will help you in the hypothyroidism healing process.


Caffeine in the coffee stimulates bowel movement easily. This means the food and the medications may leave your body with loose stools, resulting in malabsorption. It is better to strictly avoid caffeine products if you are dealing with chronic hypothyroidism.

Essential foods to include in your diet


Nuts are rich in selenium, which helps in improving your immunity level. Nuts would be a great choice if you like to eliminate unhealthy snacks. Selenium is abundantly present in Brazil nuts that can be consumed daily. Just 2-3 Brazil nuts daily will furnish the need for selenium requirements.

Fruits and vegetables

Include more fresh fruits and veggies in your diet. They are easy to digest, improve weight loss and prevent other diseases. Cruciferous vegetables can also be consumed if cooked properly.


Seafood such as Cod, tuna, and shrimp are great sources of iodine. These foods help your thyroid release the thyroid hormones that the body needs.


Greens such as spinach and lettuce are rich in fiber content. People suffering from hypothyroidism may experience constipation. So, adding leafy greens to your diet reduces constipation and improves digestion.

This is the list of all the foods to include and exclude in your diet. But a perfect diet plan totally depends upon each individual's body. At Jeevam Health, we provide personalized diet chart according to your body and metabolism.

Exercises and yoga to elevate your mind and body

Hypothyroidism, if left untreated, may cause heart diseases in later stages. It can cause muscle ache, joint pain, and depression in some people. Apart from diet, exercises are also important in your hypothyroidism weight loss. Following a regular exercise routine can reduce symptoms of hypothyroidism. Exercises will help you reduce weight, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and fight depression. Here are some exercises that can be incorporated with your thyroid doctor's consultation.


If you have not done any exercise before, then walking is a great start. Start as small as you can. Then increase your speed and time gradually. Later shift to jogging or running.


Cycling reduces the risk of heart diseases and aids weight loss if done regularly. It is a good exercise and does not strain your body much.


If you love swimming and haven't done it in the past few days, then probably you are missing out on something great for your thyroid treatment. Yes, swimming helps the thyroid gland in many ways. It reduces depression and improves metabolism comparatively fast.

Lifting weights

Weight lifting strengthens your muscles and burns calories efficiently. But personally consult your thyroid specialist and personal trainer to start weight lifting.


Yoga increases your flexibility, calms your mind, and speeds up your metabolism. Specifically, for hypothyroidism, poses such as,

  • Plow pose
  • Fish pose
  • Camel pose
  • Cobra pose improves thyroid function and energy flow in your body.

Mentioning all the exercises that could help your body manage hypothyroidism, it is important to consult your thyroid doctor before you start.


Supplements don't cure your thyroid, but they are quite important for better thyroid functioning. Here are some of the nutrients that regulate your thyroid hormones.


Iodine helps your thyroid in the production of T3 and T4 hormones. Iodine deficiency in some people may cause hypothyroidism. The most common source of iodine is iodized salt.


Selenium has antioxidant properties that promote the metabolism of your thyroid hormones. Selenium is mostly used in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis treatment. Seafood and mushrooms are rich in selenium.


Zinc helps the thyroid gland in the conversion of the T4 hormones into T3 and maintains the hormone levels efficiently. Food that contains zinc includes meat, fish, and nuts.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B regulates the thyroid hormone in hypothyroidism. Some of the food sources that include vitamin B are nuts, greens, and fish.

Vitamin D3 + K

Vitamin D3 regulates calcium metabolism and helps in overall bone health. It also improves the immune system and is used in treating heart diseases. Sources of Vitamin D3 are Tuna, mushroom, beef, and Trout. Also, Vitamin K supplements ensure bone health and nourish the digestive system.

You will never need all these mentioned supplements all at once. Depending upon your body type and metabolism, you will need 1-2 supplements.

Why treatment is crucial in hypothyroidism weight loss?

Hypothyroidism is caused due to the lower secretion of thyroid hormones. Simply putting back these hormones through hormonal pills will not be a perfect solution. Going behind the scenes, " Why do my body secretes T3 and T4 lower?" is necessary. The right treatment that solves the root cause of hypothyroidism is what your body needs. Weight loss should be your second concern as reversing hypothyroidism is more important than weight loss.

Importance of functional medicine in treating your thyroid

How do you feel when you are prescribed a list of medications with just your blood tests done? Confused. Right? It is important to study the disease history, patient's body, and symptoms before prescribing any medicine. Functional medicine is all about curing the disease of its root cause. At Jeevam Health, functional medicine doctor personalizes the treatment for each and every person according to their body.

Hypothyroidism weight issues can be managed effectively with a proper diet, certain lifestyle changes, and the right medications. Thyroid specialists can guide you to treat hypothyroidism in a safe way without any side effects or withdrawal symptoms by curing the root cause of the disease.

We’re here to help. Please get in touch with us and we can help address your concerns and assist you in your journey to better health. Book a call with Jeevam Health Team NOW!

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